Best Services For Revolving Doors in Lebanon

Public locations require security in crowded places such as hospitals, airports, malls, and buildings. The installation of revolving doors is good for easing lives by providing security. These include security and other features used at various exit and entry points. 

Inspection is necessary to ensure that doors work effectively and to avoid and treat any damages. If you have any problems related to revolving doors, we are here to help. We offer reliable installation, maintenance, and repair of these revolving doors.

Introduction to revolving doors: How it works?

The revolving doors actually consist of three to four doors. These doors are connected and revolve vertically in a cylindrical manner. To move through them, you must enter the enclosures between two doors. Afterward, move through the doors by keeping pace and then through the desired exit. The installation requires more space.

Where are revolving doors installed?

Revolving doors can be installed anywhere to make life easier and more convenient for users. They are usually installed in public places such as hotels, hospitals, public buildings, schools, and other commercial buildings. 

These are also used at elevated levels of security. They’re good for exit points, restriction points, and direct traffic security checkpoints. They are ideal for financial institutions, airports, government buildings, banks, and other institutions.

Feature highlights of revolving doors

Revolving doors are highly advanced for the easiness of daily life routines. Following are the feature highlights of the revolving doors;

Feature Highlights

  • Revolving doors can integrate with other devices like panic locks, sensor detection, and metal detectors. 
  • The doors can be opened in case of any emergency through the stop button, 
  • They use touch-free and hygienic technology.
  • It uses technology to help prevent pathogens and germs. 
  • These are useful for reducing energy consumption.
  • They have security features and a control system for security reasons. 
  • These are larger than the conventional doors. It easily allows access to wheelchairs. 
  • Its designs are noiseless. You will not hear any noise when you hear when using other doors.

benefits of revolving doors

Revolving doors are used for many purposes. It has many benefits that make installing it in various places necessary. The following are the top benefits of revolving doors:

  • You don’t experience any street noise through this revolving door. You can operate it easily.
  • It’s a money-saving product. it enhances the value of any property.
  • It has an extremely long service life. It usually doesn’t require too much maintenance for its functioning.
  • They allow access to high-density areas.
  • They also prevent the air from escaping through the doors. 
  • These revolving doors can not be slammed.
  • It’s useful for the entry and exit points. 
  • They can securely lift a foot traffic flow in and out of the building. 
  • These can be controlled and installed with the security features in it. 
  •  A seal in the revolving doors prevents pests, dust, and draughts from entering the buildings.

types of revolving doors

Three types of the revolving doors are as follows;

1. Power Assisted Revolving Doors:

This one is helpful for smooth accessibility. These types of revolving doors are worked and powdered through the motor for the walk-through.

2. Manual Revolving Doors

This type of elevator uses a controlling system of wheels, electric motors, and pulleys that is helpful to move it up and down. These elevators are available in both geared and non-geared models. Retrofitting existing houses is a great choice for conserving homes. 

3. Automatic Revolving Doors

This is the easiest and most accessible option, with all the personal safety features installed. The motion sensor automatically starts these revolving doors working.

What services does Ecolift offer for the revolving doors in Lebanon?

Revolving doors are necessary to manage rush hour places. They have a long lifespan. For the revolving doors to work effectively, they must be maintained and handled properly. Proper installation is necessary for their effective functioning. Time to time maintenance is also required to use it.

You can find all the services related to the revolving doors in Lebanon. If there’s any damaged parts or components of the revolving doors then through the proper repairing it can be maintained. Currently, we are offering the following services;

  • Installation of the revolving doors 
  • Maintenance of revolving doors 
  • Repairing services 

Why Choose US?

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